Do Flower Stands Serve A Purpose In The Church?

Flower Stands can complete your church furnishings and lend beauty to the sanctuary by holding plants or flower arrangements.

There are many styles of Flower Stands ranging from traditional to contemporary and are made to coordinate with pulpits and communion tables.

Placement of the Flower Stand(s) depends on space size of the sanctuary and/or the discretion of the church staff or church regulations. But one Flower Stand is usually in front of the pulpit. While two Flower Stands are placed, one on each side of the pulpit or altar/communion table.

Flowers or plants are often given as a free will offering from members of the congregation and placed on the Flower Stand(s) to honor or commemorate a person, occasion or special event, as a remembrance, as a dedication of the church religious season or to the Glory of God.

They are also used to hold plants or flowers during a funeral service or a wedding celebration.

Flower Stands can be a useful and decorative piece to enhance the worship space and experience.

Flower Stand NO 200F.

Flower Stand NO 200F
Flower Stand NO 810
Flower Stand NO 8300
Flower Stand White with Clear Acrylic

Survey this link for more Flower Stands:

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