Is There A Standard Height For A Podium?

Before we answer that question, there are a few things to consider.

How tall is the main person(s) that will be using the podium; a too tall podium will diminish a person and distract the audience.

What is the space size or constraints and location (business, church, etc.) where the podium will be installed or used? These play a big part in the width, depth and height of the podium purchased.

Will there be laptops, audio-visual equipment or other electronic devices placed on the surface of the podium for the speaker to use? If so, these need to be considered as not to block the audiences view of the speaker and distract from the message they are delivering.

Now, to answer the question of what is the standard height for a podium; A standard height podium is between 45 – 48” in height. This height comfortably fits the vertically challenged, as well as someone on the taller side.

There are many types of podiums to choose from depending on your needs regarding the above considerations.

Fixed Height Podiums – Are the most popular. Generally, ranging from 45 -48” in height. Used most often in churches, business, and other professional venues.

  1. TSP-620, Church Wood Pulpit Tiered.


Church Wood Pulpit Colonial Tiered TSP-620
  1. Model S, Acrylic Lectern.


Acrylic Lectern Model S


Height Adjustable Podiums – Fit speakers of all heights, as the reading surface can be raised anywhere from 30” at the lowest to 56” at the extended height, contingent on the model you choose.  Generally used in schools, universities, convention halls and auditoriums.

  1. 70, Oklahoma Sound Portable Presentation Lectern.

 Portable Presentation Lectern 70 Oklahoma Sound

  1. CLR235-LIFT, Handcrafted Solid Hardwood Counselor Lift Lectern.

Handcrafted Solid Hardwood Lectern CLR235-LIFT Counselor Lift

Tabletop Podiums – Are another choice to consider for speaking as they can be used while seated. They are compact, portable, practical, and economically priced. Common venues for these podiums are town halls, or anywhere short of space.

1. PAT023-TT, Tabletop Lectern "The Patriot".

Tabletop Lectern "The Patriot"

 2. K-9, Contemporary Table Top Lectern.

Contemporary Table Top Lectern K-9

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